Randy Marion Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Feb 2, 2024
Engine Service in Wilkesboro, NC - Randy Marion CDJR

Engine problems can seem scary, but they can be fixed. As your CDJR dealer in Wilkesboro, NC, we can quickly and efficiently repair any possible problem. These are a few signs that you may need to visit us for a repair.

Engine Blockages

The oil in your engine performs a variety of tasks. It lubricates all the engine components, helps to reduce the engine temperature, prevents rust, and breaks down engine deposits. Oil needs to be changed regularly, as it gradually becomes slower and thicker. It also accumulates dirt and other debris, and the old oil can cause blockages.

Engine blockages can cause several issues in your engine, including decreased fuel economy, misfiring, and poor acceleration. In addition, problems in the engine will cause your check engine light to illuminate. Our technicians can flush your engine to remove any blockages by adding chemicals to the oil and allowing the chemicals to break down the engine deposits. Once your engine is clean, we’ll drain the oil and refill it with new oil.

Leaking Radiator

A radiator leak can cause major engine trouble, as the radiator is the part of your engine responsible for removing engine heat. Liquid coolant absorbs heat radiating from the engine and transports it to the radiator. Inside the radiator, the heat is removed via heat exchange. Over time, the heat and high pressure in the cooling system can cause wear and tear on the cooling system components.

The two radiator hoses, for example, will become less flexible and crack. Rust can develop on the radiator and gradually eat through the metal until coolant leaks out. Cooling system components like the water pump or the thermostat can also fail and prevent the cooling system from working. Our Mopar technicians can easily identify any of these problems and swiftly repair them for you.

Poor Acceleration

When you step on the gas, your engine should immediately respond. If you experience a delay between hitting the gas and your engine responding, you have a problem with your engine. Delayed engine response can be caused by several different issues, including a blocked fuel filter, a damaged oxygen sensor, or a transmission problem.

Sensors in your engine will identify the cause of the problem and report it to your car’s computer. The computer will then log the problem and illuminate the check engine light. We’ll connect your car’s computer to our diagnostic machine, and it will identify the source of the problem.

If your new or used CDJR vehicle isn’t working as well as it should be, Schedule a service appointment ASAP at Randy Marion CDJR. Our experienced technicians will fix the problem, and your car will work perfectly again in no time.